
Saturday, July 20, 2024

May concerts, CKY and Avatar, and why you shouldn't skip openers.

My last two concerts experiences reaffirm my preference to see all of the bands on a given bill.  Even the worst openers I've seen have been tolerable, and more often than not you discover something or someone that you really enjoy.  Most recently I saw CKY with Crobot, Midnight Foolishness, and Tango Machina.  I knew nothing of the opener, Tango Machina, before the show beginning at 7:30 PM on the dot.  They are a three piece band from Asbury Park, NJ.  The lead singer/guitarist looked like a cooler version of Pedro from Napolean Dynamite.  He played a maroon BC Rich guitar with heavy disortion through a Mesa amp.  Songs mostly consisted of choppy riffs during verses and lyrics with a story.  The bass player was bald and had big sideburns connected to a mustache.  He did the banter with the crowd between songs with a dry humor, but also thanking us for coming early to see them, and explaining some of the songs.  For example, "This next song is about how Agamemnon goes to Troy, called Everybody Gets Laid."  The last song he promised the weed smokers they would enjoy.  It was called "Fire in the 'Quila."  It had a cool name, some complicated drumming, and was the longest song, but it was a little slow for my liking, and I much preferred the song before last.  Still, for local openers, these guys were great.  They didn't have any merch for sale at the venue, but they have music available on Bandcamp, Soundcloud, etc.

Tango Machina photo by J. Bink

The next band I didn't know much about either, but I had looked up on YouTube prior to the show.  They're from Brooklyn, NY and Pop-Punk with Emo leanings.  Unlike the last band, their songs were not predictable in structure.  In fact, I think it was cool that sometimes they started with bass, sometimes drums, sometimes guitar or vocals.  Though they have a distinct tonal sound, every song was mid-tempo, and I found it hard to get into a groove in their 30 minute set.  Likewise, while I could understand most of the vocals, I couldn't really identify with a story or emotion.  There was some head-bobbing and light moshing by the crowd and most of the audience seemed into them.  They also have stuff on Bandcamp and Soundcloud, but it seems abandoned after 2017.  However, you can find a lot of newer songs/videos on Youtube.

Midnight Foolishness photo by J. Bink

Next up was Crobot who I was seeing for the third time.  The first time at Wellmont Theater in 2014 I was blown away by the vocals of Brandon Yeagley. After the first album Brandon held back on the high notes a bit more, but he is still an energetic frontman.  In March of last year, and again on this occasion, I was up near the railing to get a close view of the band including a whole lot of chest hair poking through Brandon's leather vest and a whole lot of beard and tattoos from the bassist in jean shorts and Doc Martens.  I also noticed that the black drum set brought in was the same one that Tango Machina had played on earlier!  They must've loaned the openers their drums, which happens often on tour.  The age diverse crowd grew a bit more during their set from 8:58-9:47 PM.  There were two young girls in the front row with their dad singing along with many of the songs.  A setlist still hasn't been posted, but at least one copy made it into the crowd and I saw another kid take a picture of it.  I wrote down that they played Queen of the Light, Necromancer, I Am Metal, Dizzy, Ancient Druid, Golden, Low Life, Legend of the Spaceborn Killer.  During the End of Low Life, Brandon jumped up on the shoulders of his guitar player who continued to wail while Brandon pretended to smoke a joint and then continued to sing.  They closed with new single Obsidian from the album by the same name coming out in September.   You can watch the video here.

Crobot photos by J. Bink

During the final break there was an older guy taking pictures of the crowd and a younger tattooed female photographer with short hair that took some pictures and also interviewed a couple of girls in the front row.  CKY is touring on the "New Reason to Dream" tour and are celebrating 25 years as a band.  They still have the original drummer, Jess Margera, brother of Bam who is famous from Jackass.  This is why Jess and Bam's parents, April and Phil, also famous from the show, introduced the band and threw out some frisbees and t-shirts with the band's logo!  Original guitar player, Chad Ginsberg, is also still performing and now does lead vocals as well.  The band has a new bassist that joined them in 2023 named Ronnie "Elvis" James, who has Elvis-like sideburns and reminded me of Will Ferrell as Ricky Bobby.  By the time the screen went up at 10:05PM, the audience was nearly full.  They played until 11:30PM and despite owning two albums from the band, I only recognized a couple of songs from their 18 song set.  Still it was a fun time.  One thing unique was that Chad would frequently solicit the crowd for song suggestions.  This rarely happens at rock shows anymore, and he did several requests.  I was enjoying being near the front except for one drunk guy behind me who kept yelling and pushing, and a few repeat crowd surfers.  I decided to step back towards the pit area.  While the pit was not very violent, there were a few idiots spilling beers all over the floor which made it more unsafe and anyone who fell would be wet and smell like beer so I didn't partake in moshing.  I miss the original singer whose voice was much more dynamic and the fuller sound of two guitars.  However, CKY still were fun to see and I'm definitely glad I went.

Two weeks earlier at Starland, I had the pleasure of seeing Conquer Divide, Oxymorrons, and Avatar on the Great Metal Circus tour.  Conquer Divide is an all-female group with two singers and three musicians.  A blonde with braided pigtails did the screaming parts and a woman with black and red hair did the clean vocals and had a really good voice.  They've been around for several years and active on social media, but I only recently became aware of them as their new material was getting played on Octane.  They kept trying to get the crowd to start a moshpit, but their music isn't that heavy and any heavy part was soon changed to a slower singing part.  It just didn't make sense and the crowd didn't move much.  At the end they resorted to asking for phone lights to be waved and much of the crowd obliged.

The Oxymorrons are a rap-rock group out of Queens, NY.  I gave them a look on YouTube before going to the show and I wasn't sure if I would like them or not.  I moved from the side bar to the middle of the floor.  When they came out wearing a bunny ear mask and a studded facemask, I really wasn't sure.  However, they quickly won me over with their energy and talent!  Songs like "Look Alive," "Enemy," and "Definition" have a lot of power and a positive message.  I highly recommend giving them a chance and definitely see them live if they come around again.  Check out a clip from their performance of "Definition" here.

After the crowd was sufficiently hyped, Avatar made their way to the stage.  These guys put on a show like few others could.  First of all they have a unique look.  The lead singer looks like a sadistic court jester with his face paint, red and black costume outfit, and wielding a crop or staff of some sort.  The stage is rigged with red metal caging around lighting fixtures, but you feel like you have entered a demonic carnival.  The other band members usually have eyeblack and black costumes as well.  Vocalist Johannes Eckerstrōm comes out with his arms spread wide, inviting you into his world and we begin with a song called "Dance Devil Dance."  They are a Swedish melodic death metal band with 9 studio albums and 4 EPs to their name.  One of their latest singles "The Dirt I'm Buried In" reached number one on the modern rock chart.  I think I first heard of them around the time when their self titled album came out in 2009.  Then I bought a couple albums and became more of a fan.  They have some slower songs, but I'm a fan of the hard rockers like "Smells Like a Freak Show," "Colossus," "Legend of the King," and what I think is one of the best hard rock or metal songs to come out this century "Hail the Apocalypse."

About 45 minutes through their two hour, 18 song set, Johannes comes out into the crowd.  He climbs on top of a table by the soundboard and starts blowing up a long balloon and twisting it into a poodle like a clown.  He then breaks out a trombone and plays a tune.  Then it's back to the stage for the second half of the show.  We were treated to dueling guitar solos by Tim Öhrström and Jonas "Kungen" Jarlsby. Both were really good, but I definitely preferred the playing of Kungen.  After a solemn performance of Tower with Johannes on piano came my favorite part of the show, the crescendo of heavy songs "Colossus; Let It Burn; A Statue of the King; The Dirt I'm Buried In". Johannes says he has two more songs for us if we're ok with that.  Girls in the audience start calling out for three, four, and ten more.  He says he doesn't like to be told what to do and that we're a greedy audience so he leaves.  Then he comes back and says that is what "power" he yields, and that we will get two more songs after all.  They do fan favorite "Smells Like a Freak Show" with some of the best synchronized headbanging I've seen on stage and then close with the ultra heavy, yet fun, "Hail the Apocalypse" complete with glitter cannons and more synchronized head banging.  I leave satisfied and knowing I just saw one of the greatest live shows out there today.  You can check out videos from the show on my IG or YouTube.

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Rock the Rock Fest '24

At first Rock the Rock Fest seemed like a weak pun, but when you consider that the Prudential Center in Newark, NJ is nicknamed "the Rock" then the play on words is revealed to be even more clever!  The event was sponsored by 105.5 WDHA (one of the few FM stations worth listening to) and although this was a big lineup worthy of a festival, this concert from April 25 is not in place of their annual Rock the Park concert which is being held in July at PNC Bank Arts Center.  Rock the Rock featured Staind, Seether, the Struts, Dayseeker, and Ayron Jones.  My buddy and I took the train in, and got to our seats just in time for the main stage opening act.  There were a couple of acoustic performances as well as radio interviews taking place around the arena prior to the 5:30 start time.  This is a classic example of it being worth it to get there early/on time.  If you are only coming for headliners and spend too long pre-gaming, you are missing out on some great tunes and not getting the most out of what you paid for a ticket.

After hearing Ayron Jones on Sirius radio stations and the Colbert show, I was excited to catch a live performance.  Similar to Gary Clark Jr., Ayron Jones sings about racial tensions and growing up in America while blending genres including blues, soul, hip-hop, and rock. The band sounded phenomenal jamming through six songs from three studio albums.  I particularly enjoyed the opener "Boys from Puget Sound" as well as rockers "Blood in the Water," "Mercy," and "Take Me Away".  You can catch the blistering end of Mercy and the beginning of Take Me Away on my YouTube channel.

At about 6:20PM came Dayseeker out of California.  Though they have five albums going back to 2012, I've only recently become aware of them as their last two albums Sleeptalk and Dark Sun have been getting played on Sirius Octane.  They're characterized as post-hardcore, and while some songs feature screams, most of the singing is clean and the music is rock with some electronic elements similar to bands like Sleepwave and Starset.  Highlights for me were the really catchy "Without Me" and closer "Neon Grave."

During the set change we went in search of some food which required taking an elevator up from the concert floor to get to the overpriced concessions.  The silver lining was that there wasn't much of a line, and we found some tables to stand at.  We just about finished our meal when the next band came on and we headed back to the floor.  We had seats near the back, next to the sound board, and nobody bothered checking our tickets at this point.  The arena looked pretty full, but the seats above the luxury boxes were closed off, and even the lower section was not sold out.  The Struts are glam rock band from England that is kind of like a hybrid of the Darkness and the Strokes.  They played 8 songs in a fun set.  My favorite was definitely "Pretty Vicious," the title track from their 2023 release.

Before each set, the WDHA DJ's would come out to say hello and hype up the crowd.  They did a good job of not hogging the stage, and if you are a fan of the station it was nice to see Terry Carr, Michael Anthony, and crew.  This night was my 11th time seeing Seether live, but the first time since 2017.  Of course in between there was that whole pandemic thing and then on 8/21/21 Seether didn't show up in Philadelphia.  Although I've seen them as a threesome, they typically tour with a second guitarist.  Since 2018 the guy has been Corey Lowery (formerly of Stuck Mojo, Stereomud, Dark New Day, Eye Empire, and Saint Asonia).  I noticed that Corey is also singing back-up to Shaun a lot more than Dale is.  They played 12 songs from 7 different albums in about an hour.  Like the last time I saw them, they fill space between songs with guitar feedback and noise rather than have a lot of dead space.  Some people have criticized that their setlist hasn't changed much since Corey joined, but as I haven't seen them in years I wasn't bothered.  Also it was my first time hearing songs from 2020's Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum live which were "Bruised and Bloodied," "Wasteland," and "Dangerous."  As is typical, they opened with "Gasoline" and closed with "Remedy."  On the penultimate song "Fake It" there was a different slow breakdown and then harder ending.  They are playing more shows with Staind this spring on "The Tailgate Tour" and a few festivals in the summer.  I hope to get new music and a headline tour from them soon.

This night would be my sixth time seeing Staind live and the third time with them headlining.  They were great just last year with Godsmack, but I enjoyed them even more as the headliners.  Aaron's voice still sounds great, and they were able to go deeper into their catalogue and play some more of the heavier tunes.  They played 16 songs, from 6 albums, in 90 minutes.  (Lowest in Me, Eyes Wide Open, Fade, Raw, Not Again, Here and Now, Something to Remind You (Aaron & Mike only), Right Here, Wannabe, Outside (full band), Better Days, Paper Wings, So Far Away, For You, It's Been A While (full band), and Mudshovel). Notably, they haven't been playing any songs from 2008's the Illusion of Progress.  I was pleasantly surprised to hear "Paper Wings" and "Raw," the latter of which he sang a little differently than usual when saying "raw."  I also liked that they did "Outside" and "It's Been A While" as full band instead of just acoustic as it is often done.  I just about blew my voice out in the middle of the set singing along.  I don't know how Aaron's has held up as well as it has.  If you haven't seen them at all or in a while, and you're in the NJ area, I recommend getting tickets to see them with Breaking Benjamin at PNC in September!

Thursday, February 15, 2024

Static-X Regeneration 2.0

In February of 2000 Vince Carter put on the most electrifying display by a single human at an NBA Slam Dunk contest.  Just a week later I went to my first ever live music concert.  My college friend Bill had been introducing me to bands like Deftones, Staind, and many more hard rock and metal acts.  When he learned I had never been to a concert, he said that I should go see Static-X with him and that he was sure I would like it.  On Februrary 18 we went to Roseland Ballroom in NYC for my first show.  When we got there the line wrapped around the building and we ended up missing the openers, Chevelle, much to my disappointment.  However, once inside we made our way close to the front for the beginning of Dope's set.  So they were the first ever band that I saw on stage!  Bill described them as "scuzzy" and said I didn't have to like them.  Their style and songs weren't the best thing in the world, but I didn't hate them either.  Then we pushed towards center stage for Static-X.  They played 10 songs off of Wisconsin Death Trip.  Thier second single had just dropped.  Wayne's hair was spiked tall and his beard was a long rope.  His mannerisms and the music were infectious, and by the end of the set I thought it was just about the coolest thing I had ever seen.  The headliner Powerman 5000 was also good, but I was more of a fan of Static-X.  Prior to this show I knew little about industrial metal and hadn't listened to much music this heavy.  If I hadn't seen it live in-person, I don't know if I would have been as open to it, but now I was hooked.  I went on to see at least 164 more concerts (that I have documented) including four more shows with Wayne fronting Static-X and then two with his "replacement" Xer0.

Fast forward to Saturday February 10, 2024 and I arrived at Starland Ballroom to see the "Machine Killer" tour with Lines of Loyalty, Dope, Sevendust and Static-X.  The show was sold out and by the time I got into the venue at about 6:35PM the first band was almost done.  Not for nothing, but 6:15 is an early start time for a weekend show!  Anyway, Lines of Loyalty come from Kinosha, WI and just released their debut album.  From the two songs I heard they sounded like a heavier Pop Evil and I'd give them another listen.  Dope went on at about 7PM.  They opened with Blood Money which came out in 2016 and finished with their cover of You Spin Me Round, the same way they did the last time I saw them in 2019.  The girl behind me said that she felt cheated because they didn't even play the full song.  Then there was a long wait before Sevendust took the stage.  They definitely could have played a few more songs, but most people believe that the lead singer, Edsel Dope, is also Xer0, the new frontman of Static-X in which case it makes sense that he save his energy.  Edsel did thank the crowd and all the other bands.  He asked who saw their first tour with Static-X in 1999/2000 and I was able to proudly raise my horns and shout in the affirmative.  Little does he know that this very tour sparked my love of concert going and poured gasoline on my love for metal.

After an interlude which included songs on the PA ranging from Pantera to Neil Diamond, Sevendust took the stage at 8PM.  They played a good mix of 14 songs from 8 different albums.  It was a completely different setlist and vibe from the last time I saw them on the Animosity anniversary tour.  Lajon seemed to have fun interacting with the crowd, and the sold-out crowd was loving them in return.  Last time the crowd loved them too, but when they headlined they actually destroyed with their energy.  This night they were just out there having a good time.  Having seen them four times now in the last 20 years, I am confident saying Sevendust is one of the best live acts I've ever witnessed.  They are one of the few bands that transform on stage and outperform their recordings in an almost inexplicable way.  Their first ever single from 1997, Black, is still a fan favorite and the message is still relevant.  Check out a video from the night here.

About 40 minutes went by before Static-X came out.  I'm used to long breaks between sets from back in the day, but it doesn't make much sense at shows like this one where the equipment has already been set up on stage and sound check has been completed in advance.  I also noticed that the video screen never came down all night.  Usually Starland runs ads on a projection screen in between sets.  The only time people got to cheer for IHOP is when the guitarist from Dope flashed the back of his guitar with an IHOP sign on it.  When Static-X did come out on stage they were joined by a large monster guy with a large, round, light-up head.  Lead singer Xer0 has updated his costume with more wiry looking hair, headphones, and red light up eyes instead of a plain mask.  His face and arms look machine like.  As mentioned previously, it is believed to be Edsel Dope under the mask.  Last time I saw them he tried his best to sound like Wayne at all times.  This time his speaking voice came out a little more during some song parts and especially when he addressed the crowd saying "New Jersey" is sounded like Edsel.  Xer0 is joined by the original members bass player Tony Kampos, lead guitarist Koichi Fukada, and drummer Ken Jay.  Their latest album, Project Regeneration 2.0 was just released on January 26 and features about half of the songs attributed to Wayne Static, using some of his recorded vocals and synthesizers, and about half of the songs written by Xer0.  I expected to hear a lot more new material this time around since they already toured the anniversary of Wisconsin Death Trip.  However, 75% of the setlist consisted of material from the first two albums!  They only played Z0mbie from the latest record.  This goes to show that they are continuing to play tribute to Wayne.  His face appears on the big screens towards the end of the set with the years 1965-2014 displayed.  Meanwhile the stage show takes them into the modern era with superb video and lighting from multiple giant light boards, three different monsters, and the addition of a smoky bubble machine.  If you are skeptical or curious about what they are like now I urge you to go see a show for yourself.  I do not think you will be disappointed.  I know I didn't want to miss the Wisconsin Death Trip anniversary show and this time around they sounded as good, if not even better.  It certainly filled my musical soul to go back to where it all began for me.  After 16 songs the lights start to come up and there is no encore.  We all get out of the venue and on the road before 11PM!  Check out more videos here.  Please "like" the videos and subscribe to my YouTube channel.

Sunday, December 17, 2023

Best hard rock/metal albums of 2023

It's time again for my album of the year picks.  I rank song quality and album consistency heavily, so if there's only a couple of good tracks, the rating suffers.  This year my list is not as stylistically diverse as last year's, but I always surprise myself with who makes the top 10 and in what order.  Once again I listened to a lot of music to make my final decisions, so I encourage you to check out my top picks as well as those from the list below if you need holiday gifts or to catch up on rock from 2023.

1. Mammoth WVH - Mammoth II

Wolfgang Van Halen (son of guitar god Eddie Van Halen) wanted to avoid the sophomore slump with his second solo release, and in my opinion he did a lot better than that.  Mammoth II bests his debut with better versatility and improved musicianship drawing on a variety of influences from classic rock to alternative metal (Tool) and even djent/modern progressive metal (Intervals; Meshuggah).  Wolfie even coined the term Meshuggah-Beatles to describe some of his new music like album closer "Better Than You."  "Waiting" is the lyrically-themed sequel to "Distance" about his father from the first album.

Best tracks: Another Celebration at the End of the World, Optimist, Waiting

Image taken by me @Starland Ballroom 11/17/23

2. Metallica - 72 Seasons
Metallica's 11th studio album is the first since 2016's Hardwired... and while I liked that one a lot, this one is even better.  Although it is not quite thrash, there are more driving rock songs than their more melodic opuses and ballads.  Critics have also noticed a deeper meaning to James' lyrics on songs like "Screaming Suicide" and "Room of Mirrors."  James says the concept of 72 seasons is about a person's growth and maturity over 18 years of life.  18 x 4 = 72, so the math adds up!
Best tracks: Lux Eterna; Room of Mirrors; 72 Seasons 

3. Filter - The Algorithm
Filter's first studio album in seven years started to form in 2018 when lead singer Richard Patrick rekindled with original guitarist Brian Liesegang.  A few songs got released in 2020 that we thought were going to be on the record that then became standalone singles.  Honestly the project that was billed as the "official follow-up to Short Bus" took so long to come to fruition it had fallen off my radar.  However, the Algorithm sounds like a true return to form with industrial roots and modern rock influences.  As one fan commented, "this album is pure time travel." Patrick has rarely been at a loss of things to write about, and he can still sing his ass off.  The album is leaning heavy with some of the lighter ballads they have also become known for.  Even if you haven't listened to Filter since the turn of the century, give this one a spin (hey, vinyl is back, this still makes sense).
Best tracks: Obliteration; Summer Child; Up Against the Wall

4. Beartooth - The Surface
Thematically this album is the antithesis of their last album, Below.  In some ways it is their most poppy.  There's even a song called "Might Love Myself" about self love and empowerment.  However, there are also some bangers, screams, and sick breakdowns as well.  While some metal fans say they've gotten too soft, other fans are embracing the positive mental health journey of lead singer Caleb Shomo and his uplifting songs.  I own other Beartooth albums and this is the first one I can play all the way through so take that for what it's worth.
Best tracks: The Surface; Riptide; What's Killing You

5. Staind - Confessions of the Fallen
First release since 2011.  I've already written about it here.  Aaron's voice is still strong and Mike Mushok keeps them rocking hard.
Best tracks: Lowest in Me; Here and Now; Cycle of Hurting

6. Blink 182 - One More Time
Another comeback album as it is their first since 2019 and their first with Tom DeLonge since 2011.  Tom's voice and songwriting are certainly welcomed, but these are not the same people as they used to be.  There are still some humorous moments, but largely the writing is mature and reflective.  I've listened to this album a lot since its release and I interpret it as Mark and Tom's love note to each other.  For example, the nostalgic "When We Were Young" has them trade off on verses about early years, rather than the usual formula of having one or the other be the lead singer.  Then there are lyrics from the title track that obviously refer to their relationship with each other.  "I wish they told us, it shouldn't take a sickness, Or airplanes falling out the sky" clearly are referencing illnesses such as Mark's recent battle with cancer and Travis's 2008 plane crash.  The chorus of "One More Time" I believe is about them regretting not speaking for several years during their two hiatus periods.  This album is more emo than punk rock, but still a fun return overall.
Best tracks: Dance With Me; Anthem Part 3; One More Time

7. Godsmack - Lighting Up the Sky

In what might be the last Godsmack album, they put together a fantastic eighth studio album showcasing their signature sound from power rockers to more emotional ballads.  It's only 10 tracks, but songs are a little bit longer than typical radio songs bringing the total time to almost 50 minutes.  55 year old Sully Erna says "Man I'm Growing Old" in the next to last song.  He says the band isn't breaking up and they will continue to tour, but right now he doesn't see them making another album.
Best tracks: Soul On Fire; Hell's Not Dead; Surrender

8. Dirty Honey - Can’t Find the Breaks
This band formed in 2017 in Los Angeles and attempted to follow the success of Guns N' Roses, even opening for Slash in 2018 and 2019 and the mighty GNR in 2022.  This is their second album and it has a fun mix of blues, country, and rock and roll.  They also sound a bit like the Black Crowes at times, and guess what, they opened for them too!  I also hear similarities with Greta Van Fleet, Red Sun Rising, and Crobot which means they are very good.  They have made some moves on the Mainstream Rock charts, but are largely still under the radar.  If you like your rock and roll with some swagger and swing, check these guys out.
Best tracks: Won't Take Me Alive; Can't Find the Breaks; Ride On

9. Drain - Living Proof

This is hardcore.  Literally.  If you're feeling angry, put this on and mosh or jam out.  Influenced by Suicidal Tendencies, and covering the Descendants, this is an interesting listen from a band that I think has huge potential.  Give them a listen.  Vocalist Sammy Ciaramataro says my favorite track "Watch You Burn" was written about a bad person.  "It's the meanest song I ever wrote, but I tried to make it into something good."

10. Sevendust - Truth Killer 
This is Sevendust's 14th album and they have been consistently good.  They are a band that is in the rare territory these days of being better live in person than on record.  That being said, this is one of their strongest, most consistent albums.  This year they've toured with Alter Bridge and Mammoth WVH.  They are currently touring with Static-X and Dope and will be through the winter into 2024.  If you get the chance, definitely watch a live performance.  There's dates in NJ, PA, and Long Island NY.  I've already got my tickets for Starland and might try to see them in Harrisburg as well.
Best track: Love and Hate

With streaming becoming the way most people consume music, some people think albums are becoming a thing of the past.  I still like a good album.  One way some bands are coping with the need to be productive and faster than an album cycle is putting out more EPs, or short collections of songs.
Here are my picks for best EPs (alphabetical order):

Ghost - Phantomime EP

Nonpoint - Heartless EP

Sleep Theory - Paper Hearts EP

Spiritbox - The Fear Of Fear EP

Other 2023 albums of note worth listening to:

Asking Alexandria - Where Do We Go From Here

Atreyu - The Beautiful Dark of Life

Avatar - Dance Devil Dance

Avenged Sevenfold - Life is But a Dream …

Babymetal - The Other One

Corey Taylor - CMF2

Creeper - Sanguivore (like a gothic Meat Loaf)

Danko Jones - Electric Sounds

Dethklok - Dethalbum IV

Dolly Parton - Rockstar (30 Songs)

Enter Shakiri - A Kiss For the Whole World

Fallout Boy - So Much (For) Stardust

Foo Fighters - But Here We Are

Greta Van Fleet - Starcatcher

(Hed)P.E. - Detox

Ice Nine Kills - Welcome to Horrorwood: Under Fire

Lacey Sturm - Kenotic Metanoia

Last in Line - Jericho

Joe Perry - Sweetzerland Manifesto MKII

Nita Strauss - The Call of the Void

Of Mice & Men - Tether

Overkill - Scorched

Paramore - This Is Why

Periphery - Periphery V: Djent is Not a Genre

Plain White T’s - Plain White T’s

Rival Sons - Darkfighter (8 Songs)

Royal Thunder - Rebuilding the Mountain

Sleep Token - Take Me Back to Eden

Queens of the Stone Age - In Times New Roman…

Taproot - SC\SSRS

Till Lindemann - Zunge

Winery Dogs - III

Within Temptation - Bleed Out

Coming early next year (2024)

Green Day - Saviors (Jan 19)

Metalite - Expedition One (Jan 19)

Neck Deep - Neck Deep (Jan 19)

Saxon - Hell, Fire, and Damnation (Jan 19)

Alkaline Trio - Blood, Hair, and Eyeballs (Jan 26)

Static X - Project Regeneration Vol. 2 (Jan 26)

Infected Rain - Time (Feb 9)

Darkest Hour - Perpetual Terminal (Feb 23)

Mick Mars - The Other Side of Mars (Feb 23)

Firewind - Stand United (Mar 1)


Judas Priest - Invincible Shield (Mar 8)

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

New Rock Releases Oct 2023

After a slight departure from my usual subject matter, I am back with some headbangers.  Veteran bands that are 20-30 years old are keeping rock alive and well these days.  Blink-182, Staind, and Taproot have all reunited and put out new music.  Creed is rumored to reunite and tour in 2024, and their greatest hits album is currently #1 on iTunes rock albums chart for some reason.  I take my blog posts seriously.  I take the time to listen to the music before, and while, I write.  I try to be descriptive without being repetitive or colloquial, within my limitations knowing that I don't have true music theory under my belt.  That being said, I could go on describing several tracks from each album listed below.  However, some friends and readers said to keep it short, so that's what I'll try to do for these new rock releases.  If you want me to elaborate, I'd probably be thrilled to talk to you about it so please comment, text, FB, etc.  Most importantly, listen for yourself!  Don't forget to peep the other notable albums at the end of the post.  Thanks for reading.

Danko Jones - Electric Sounds

From opening track "Guess Who's Back" Danko and company pump out the jams with bravado, attitude, and frankly fun like few bands can.  This is their 11th studio album although they are under the radar to many people in the USA.  They've been incredibly consistent, but I think this is their best work since 2012's Rock and Roll is Black and Blue.  It is certainly more cohesive and riff-tastic than their last few albums.  The one criticism I will give is that the lyrics are simple and the themes are kind of basic.  On the other hand, they are only "here to fuck shit up and have a good time" and who can argue with that?

Sleep Theory - Paper Hearts EP

I have been listening to these guys on SiriusXM's Octane channel for a while so when their EP dropped I knew I had to get it.  It is dynamic genre blending hard rock that certainly has a nu-metal influence in the best possible way.  I just learned that they have a black lead singer, a Filipino bass player, and pair of brothers (the white variety) on guitar and drums.  I like all six tracks, but "Numb" is definitely the standout song.  Sleep Theory have been opening for Shinedown on tour and blowing up on TicTok and satellite radio.  If you haven't heard them yet, don't sleep on them!

Staind - Confessions of the Fallen

It's their first release since 2011 and yet it seems it hasn't been that long since Aaron (vocals) went country and Mike (guitar) spent time in Newsted before forming Saint Asonia with former Three Days Grace singer, Adam Gontier.  At 10 songs and 36 minutes this album is easily digestible.  In fact, I've played it almost every day since it came out.  Fans of the band should notice a sound familiar to 2001's 5x Platinum Break the Cycle.  There are rockers like the lead single "Lowest in Me," penultimate track "Hate Me Too," and the heavy "Cycle of Hurting" where Aaron delivers some of his best growls!  There are some optimistic songs where Aaron's lyrics really shine through on "The Fray" and "Better Days."  Then there is the second single, and standout ballad track, "Here and Now."  Upon first listen I didn't think it was anything special compared to "Outside" or "It's Been a While."  However, there's a couple things that have changed my mind.  First, the video is about a man and his father that has Alzheimer's disease.  This adds a total new dimension to the lyrics that otherwise might be interpreted as being a typical breakup song.  The video has gotten a ton of great responses, and I challenge you to not tear up if you have someone in your family with Alzheimers, or even have lost a loved one recently.  Secondly, is the talent of Aaron as a singer and songwriter.  I went from being iffy on the song to hearing it replay in my head and belting it out in the shower.  I have always loved Aaron's voice and story telling ability.  I think he's one of the best and most underrated vocalists of our time.  He hasn't lost much talent either.  I just saw him this summer and he can still sing with all the emotion and range like he could 20 years ago.

Taproot - SC\SSRS

Another band with its first release in over a decade is Taproot.  This is a band that was popular in the nu-metal era, but they always had their own style and sound.  A lot of that can be attributed to the unique singing style of Stephen Richards.  It is at times melodic rapping, smooth crooning, or growly screams.  He is quite impressive.  The other musical dynamics are regular rhythm changes and frequent breakdowns that keep the listener interested throughout.  SC\SSRS offers 10 songs, plus a bonus track which at the same time sounds like old Taproot and fresh and new equally.  They still have their original bass player, and this album marks the return of original drummer, Jarrod Montague, who sounds terrific and has been promoting his return on Facebook for quite some time.  It's hard for me to pick a favorite song because I like them all.  The bonus track "Hey" has a very catchy chorus between driving rhythm sections in the verses.  The aptly titled "Favourite Song" might take the cake.  It is the most unique song.  It features a poppy chorus complete with "hey-yo's" and "la la la's."  Just when you think you've accidentally skipped playlists, here comes Elias Soriano from Nonpoint to deliver a rapping part and then it finishes with some heavy riffing.  Fans should love this album and I also hope it brings a lot of new followers.  If you can, catch them live as they put on great performances.

Other new albums of interest :

Out now

Beartooth - The Surface

Black Stone Cherry - Screamin' At the Sky

Of Mice & Men - Tether

Red - Rated R

October 20, 2023

Blink-182 - One More Time...

Rival Sons - Lightbringer

October 27, 2023

The Gaslight Anthem - History Books

Mark Tremonti - Christmas Classics New & Old

Taking Back Sunday - 152

November 3, 2023

Atreyu - A Torch In The Dark EP

Dirty Honey - Can't Find The Brakes

Spiritbox - The Fear Of Fear EP

Static-X - Project Regeneration: Vol. 2

Thursday, August 10, 2023

50th Anniversary of Hip-Hop: Artist Top 10 Songs Lists

So legend has it that 50 years ago today (on Aug. 11, 1973) DJ Kool Herc played at a block party in the Bronx using two turntables to scratch over and loop records including James Brown and Aretha Franklin.  This is now largely recognized as the birth of hip-hop.  Now I am certainly not an expert or connoisseur of the genre, but having grown up in the 90s I was certainly influenced by what many consider the golden years of hip-hop, when it really became part of mainstream pop culture.  And when many people didn't recognize artists like Missy Elliot or Dr. Dre when they appeared at Super Bowl half time shows, it annoyed me.  Especially on such a big anniversary in music history, I feel that I have to give recognition to these excellent artists.  

Rap and hip-hop is the hardest to make a song list for because many artists become well known for collaborations and part of their legacy is rapping a verse (or more) with another singer/rapper.  Usually I don't count guest spots in my artist song lists so I tried to stick to my own rule here.  That means the best performances of the artist may not be in the list of their best releases.  I also don't usually consider cover songs.  However, I recognize hip-hop was built on covers and certainly heavily sampling previously recorded songs.  Nowadays it is considered an art and skill to make unique beats and rhythms, but at the same time sampled songs often still bring the biggest hits.  If a remake can become unique and special on its own, you'll see it below.  The following are my picks for best songs by hip-hop artists that I think are landmarks and will still listen to (in alphabetical order).  Feel free to let me know if you think I missed somebody or a song you love.


1. California Love (f/ Roger Troutman & Dr. Dre)
2. Changes (f/ Talent)
3. Holler If Ya Hear Me
4. Last Wordz (f/ Ice Cube & Ice-T)
5. 2 of Amerikaz Most Wanted (f/ Snoop Dogg)
6. Cant C Me
7. Keep Ya Head Up
8. If I Die 2Nite
9. Hail Mary
10. Hit ‘Em Up (f/ Outlawz)

Bone Thugs-N-Harmony
1. Crossroads
2. 1st of Tha Month
3. Rebirth
4. Bone, Bone, Bone
5. Pump, Pump
6. Thug Stories
7. 9mm
8. Summerlove
9. Do It Again
10. Stand Not In Our Way

Busta Rhymes
1. Put Your Hands Where My Eyes Can See
2. Gimme Some More
3. Break Ya Neck
4. Dangerous
5. What’s It Gonna Be (f/ Janet Jackson)
6. I Know What You Want (f/ Flipmode Squad & Mariah Carey)
7. Who Hah!!! I Got You All In Check
8. Calm Down (f/ Eminem)
9. The Party Goin’ On Over Here
10. Make Noise (f/ Lenny Kravitz)

1. Ruff Ryders Anthem
2. Party Up (Up In Here)
3. What’s My Name?
4. X Gon’ Give It to Ya
5. Where the Hood At?
6. Grand Finale (f/ Ja Rule, Method Man, & Nas)
7. What These Bitches Want? (f/ Sisqo)
8. One More Road to Cross
9. Slippin’
10. Who We Be?

Dr. Dre
1. Still Dre (f/ Snoop Dogg)
2. Nothin’ But A G Thang (f/ Snoop Dogg)
3. Forgot About Dre (f/ Eminem)
4. The Next Episode (f/ Snoop Dogg)
5. F**k Wit Dre Day (f/ Snoop Dogg)
6. What’s the Difference (f/ Eminem & Xzibit)
7. Medicine Man (f/ Eminem, Candice Pillay, & Anderson. Paak)
8. Let’s Get High (f/ Hittman, Ms. Roq, & Korrupt)
9. Fallin’ Up
10. Black Privilege

1. Without Me
2. The Real Slim Shady
3. The Way I Am
4. Role Model
5. Lose Yourself
6. Rap God
7. My Name Is
8. The Ringer
9. Greatest
10. Not Afraid

1. Love Is Blind
2. Let Me Blow Ya Mind (f/ Gwen Stefani)
3. Who’s That Girl
4. You Had Me You Lost Me
5. No No No (f/ Stephen & Damian Marley)
6. Gangsta Lovin’ (f/ Alicia Keys)
7. Scream Double R (f/ DMX)
8. Gotta Man
9. Maniac
10. Eve-Olution

Grandmaster Flash & the Furious Five

1. The Message
2. The Adventures of Grandmaster Flash on the Wheels of Steel
3. White Lines (long version)
4. It’s Nasty (Genius of Love)
5. Showdown
6. Girls Love the Way He Spins
7. What If (f/ KRS One)
8. We Speak Hip Hop (f/ Afasi, Kase. O, Maccho, Abass, and KRS One)
9. Here Comes My DJ (f/ DJ Kool and DJ Demo)
10. Freedom

Ja Rule
1. Always on Time (f/ Ashanti)
2. Let’s Ride
3. Holla Holla
4. Between Me & You (f/ Christina Milian)
5. It’s Murder (f/ DMX & Jay-Z)
6. Put It On Me (f/ Vita)
7. I’m Real (f/ Jennifer Lopez)
8. Livin’ It Up (f/ Case)
9. Love Me Hate Me
10. Never Had Time

1. 99 Problems
2. Empire State of Mind (f/ Alicia Keys)
3. Big Pimpin’ (f/ UGK)
4. Can I Get A . . . (f/ Amil & Ja Rule)
5. Nig*a What, Nig*a Who (Originator 99) (f/ Big Jaz)
6. Hard Knock Life (Ghetto Anthem)
7. Izzo (H.O.V.A.)
8. Money Cash Hoes (f/ DMX)
9. Ni**as in Paris (f/ Kanye West)
10. Is That Yo Bitch (f/ Missy Elliot & Timberland)

John Blake
1. Nina
2. Rock the Beat (f/ Greg Barbone)
3. 9 16s
4. That Nu
5. Incredible Hulk
6. Crimea River
7. Fire
8. Hama Hama Blake Blake
9. Bring the Ruckus (remix)
10. Let It Breathe

LL Cool J
1. Mama Said Knock You Out
2. Doin’ It
3. Mr. Good Bar
4. Going Back to Cali
5. I’m Bad
6. Hey Lover (f/ Boyz II Men)
7. Go Cut Creator Go
8. My Rhyme Ain’t Done
9. 4, 3, 2, 1 (f/ Method Man, Redman, & DMX)
10. Baby (f/ Richie Sambora)

Lauryn Hill
1. Killing Me Softly With His Song (original song by Charles Fox, Norman Gimbel, and Lori Lieberman; popularized by Roberta Flack)
2. Doo Wop (That Thing)
3. Ready or Not [Fugees]
4. Lost Ones
5. Everything Is Everything
6. Final Hour
7. Fue-Gee-La [Fugees]
8. Boof Baf [Fugees]
9. Some Seek Stardom [Fugees]
10. Freedom Time

Lil' Kim
1. Not Tonight (f/ Da Brat, Left Eye, Missy Elliot, & Angie Martinez) (remix)
2. How Many Licks (f/ Sisqo)
3. No Matter What They Say
4. Thug Luv (f/ Twista)
5. Not Tonight
6. (When Kim Say) Can You Hear Me Now (f/ Missy Elliot)
7. Don’t Mess With Me
8. Magic Stick (w/ 50 Cent)
9. Get In Touch With Us (f/ Styles P)
10. Shut Up Bitch (f/ Money Mike)

1. Stand Up
2. What’s Your Fantasy (f/ Shawnna)
3. Move Bitch
4. Area Codes
5. Rollout (My Business)
6. Saturday (Oooh Oooh!)
7. Who Let These Hoes in My Room (f/ Snoop Dogg)
8. I Do It For Hip Hop (f/ Nas & Jay Z)
9. Get Back
10. Hip Hop Quotables

1. Feel So Good
2. Lookin’ At Me
3. Breathe, Stretch, Let It Go
4. What You Want (f/ Total)
5. Do You Wanna Get $ (f/ Puff Daddy)
6. N****s Wanna Act (f/ Busta Rhymes)
7. Welcome Back
8. Wasting My Time
9. Money Comes and Goes
10. All I Ever Wanted

Method Man
1. Judgement Day
2. Gravel Pit [Wu-Tang Clan]
3. Da Rockwilder (w/ Redman)
4. Method Man [Wu-Tang Clan]
5. I’ll Be There For You/You’re All I Need (f/ Mary J. Blige)
6. Blackout (w/ Redman)
7. Is It Me
8. Bang Zoom (f/ Hanz On, Street Life, Easy Get Rite)
9. Intelligent Meth (f/ Master Killa, Streetlife, and iNTell)
10. Episode 5 - Wild Cats (f/Redman, Streetlife, and Hanz On)

Missy Elliot
1. Work It
2. Get Ur Freak On
3. The Rain (Supa Dupa Fly)
4. One Minute Man (f/ Ludacris)
5. She’s a Bitch
6. Lose Control (f/ Ciara & Fat Man Scoop)
7. Gossip Folks (f/ Ludacris)
8. We Run This
9. WTF (Where They From) (f/ Pharrell)
10. I’m Really Hot

Nicki Minaj
1. Right Thru Me
2. Super Bass
3. Starships
4. Barbie Dreams
5. Moment 4 Life (f/ Drake)
6. Check It Out (f/ Will.I.Am)
7. Anaconda
8. Pound the Alarm
9. Pills N Potions
10. Fly (f/ Rihanna)

Notorious B. I. G.
1. Hypnotize
2. Big Poppa
3. Notorious B.I.G. (f/ Puff Daddy & Lil Kim)
4. Juicy
5. Mo Money Mo Problems (f/ Puff Daddy & Mase)
6. Goin Back to Cali
7. Party and Bullshit
8. One More Chance/Stay With Me (Remix 2007)
9. Who Shot Ya
10. Spit Your Game (f/ Twista & Bone Thugs-N-Harmony)

1. Ms. Jackson
2. Hey Ya!
3. So Fresh, So Clean
4. The Way You Move (f/ Sleepy Brown)
5. B.O.B (Bombs Over Baghdad)
6. GhettoMusick
7. Flip Flop Rock (f/ Killer Mike & Jay-Z)
8. Xplosion (f/ B-Real)
9. My Favorite Things
10. Da Art of Storytellin’ (Pt. 1)

Puff Daddy (a.k.a. P. Diddy)
1. I’ll Be Missing You (f/ Faith Evans & 112)
2. Victory 2004 (f/ Notorious B.I.G., Busta Rhymes, 50 Cent, and Lloyd Banks)
3. It’s All About the Benjamins (f/ Notorious B.I.G, Lil’ Kim, & the Lox)
4. Bad Boy For Life (f/ Black Rob & Mark Curry)
5. Let’s Get It (f/ G. Dep & Black Rob)
6. Been Around the World (f/ Notorious B.I.G. & Mase)
7. Can’t Nobody Hold Me Down (f/ Mase)
8. I Need A Girl Pt. 2 (f/ Loon, Ginuwine, & Mario Winans)
9. Satisfy You (f/ R. Kelly)
10. I’ll Do This For You (f/ Kelly Price)

Queen Latifah
1. U.N.I.T.Y.
2. Ladies First (f/ Monie Love)
3. I Can’t Understand
4. No Work
5. Long Ass Week
6. It’s Alright (f/ Faith Evans)
7. Turn You On
8. Come Into My House
9. Champion
10. Coochie Bang . . .

1. Walk This Way (f/ Aerosmith)
2. It’s Tricky
3. Rock Box
4. King of Rock
5. Mary Mary
6. Tougher Than Leather
7. Can You Rock It Like This
8. Peter Piper
9. It’s Like That
10. Hit It Run

Snoop Dogg
1. Gin and Juice
2. Who Am I (What’s My Name)?
3. Beautiful (f/ Pharrell & Uncle Charlie Wilson)
4. I Wanna F**k You (f/ Akon)
5. Murder Was the Case
6. Gz and Hustlas
7. 220 (f/ Goldie Loc)
8. Lodi Dodi
9. Still a G Thang
10. Drop It Like Its Hot (f/ Pharrell)

Tech N9ne
1. Worldwide Choppers
2. WHAT (We’re Hungry and Thirsty) (f/ Kim Dracula & HU$H)
3. Speedom (WWC 2, f/ Eminem & Krizz Kaliko)
4. Drill Sergeant
5. I Don’t Fit (f/ Suess Mace & King Iso)
6. Running Out of Time
7. F**k Food
8. So Dope (They Wanna) (f/ Wrekonize, Snow tha Product, & Twisted Insane)
9. Hit the Ground Runnin’ (f JL & King Iso)
10. Tech’s Mex