
Thursday, February 18, 2010

Cold and Nonpoint - Starland 2/18/10 review

I am extremely excited that Cold is touring again so I didn't miss going to this Starland Ballroom show even though it was on a Thursday night. I was surprised by some of the openers. Downcast Theory started. The lead singer didn't have the best vocals but they had good energy on stage and seemed to keep getting better with each song. They are real metal.  A good way to start the night and I wouldn't mind seeing them again.

Jaded Faith came on next and they are a motley crew. They have a short blond chick singer - very sexy; a bald guitarist; a HUGE drummer who kicked ass; and a tall stringbean bass player. A little funny in terms of image, but the singer has both charisma and chops. They have real potential.

Edison was next. They were a little more emo but pretty good. At least two of their songs really kicked ass so I'll have to look them up at some point.

Then came Day of Fate. I met the bass player at the merch booth as soon as I walked in and he was a real nice guy but I had never heard of them so I decided not to part with my money and buy anything until I heard them. Good decision. They aren't bad but they were definitely not the right kind of music to open for Nonpoint and Cold. I think they were from Tennessee but they sounded like Stone Temple Pilots on Robitussin - too slow and almost put me to sleep.  I think the rest of the crowd felt the same way.  The only thing that kept us awake was the obnoxious drunk guys that kept yelling "SLAYER!" at the end of every song.

Nonpoint was co-headlining and played about 12 songs including Endure, What a Day, and Victim off Statement. Other highlights included Rabia and, of course, Bullet With a Name. The only bad song was In the Air Tonight. I think Elias was expecting the crowd to sing the whole thing for him but we didn't know enough of the words, or care to hear it at all actually. The lackluster performance on that song didn't damper the great energy the guys had and a kick-ass set.  It was my 6th time seeing Nonpoint and they are always amazing.  Elias said they have a new album coming out soon!

Cold took forever to get their sound and their video projector set up and then the band finally took the stage. They played a good mix of old and new songs including Go Away, Give, Just Got Wicked, No One, End of the World, Stupid Girl, and Happens All the Time. Scooter interacted well with the crowd and kept saying he loved us and appreciated us. I love Cold too but I have to say that their sound was horrible. They were way too loud and that might not have been a problem if it wasn't all low-end bass and guitar. On many songs, the lead guitar got buried and you could barely hear the vocals. They sounded like they were playing under water.  I left before the end of their set because I had to work the next day and the sound quality was not worth sacrificing more of my sleep or hearing.  They sounded much better the last time I saw them but it was still worth seeing them again and I hope that they continue to make music and tour together.